Dental - Ellington

Schedule an appointment for all your dental needs.

After hours, please call the clinic number to reach an on-call provider. In case of medical emergency, please call 911. In case of a mental health emergency, please call 988.

Missouri Highlands offers a full complement of preventive and restorative care for your teeth. Get the gentle and friendly care you need for a lifetime of healthy smiles.

Appointments are recommended for non-emergency patients. Emergency patients are seen as quickly as possible. A dental emergency may include: (1) acute pain and/or swelling for an extended period of time; (2) trauma associated with broken teeth, which is accompanied by acute pain, loose teeth, swelling, and/or bleeding; (3) cleaning and medication for acute ulcerative necrotic gingivitis; (4) traumatic occlusion.

Ask About Our Sliding Fee Scale!

Missouri Highlands serves all patients whether insured or not. If uninsured or underinsured and approved on a sliding fee scale, costs are based on household size and income. To see if you qualify, complete the simple application and bring it to your first visit along with proof of income and your last income tax return.