School-Based Health Clinics

Keep kids in school by visiting our on-campus Nurse Practitioner & staff. Service for students and faculty only.

Our School Based Clinic is located on the school campus to provide care to all students and faculty. When your child feels sick or hurt at school, the school nurse can refer your child to the on-campus Nurse Practitioner to be seen further. Our staff will contact guardians to obtain consent to treat and insurance or sliding scale information. 

Also, if you would like your child seen with the provider, you can call to schedule an appointment with the school nurse or call the clinic directly. This can help keep you at work while your child gets the care they need and sent back to class (depending on the case).

If you see your child utilizing this service, you can be proactive by providing the necessary information to the clinic now. If your child is a current patient of MHHC, we will have access to their records.


Eugene Field School




O'Neal School

Poplar Bluff Middle School

Questions & Answers

Where are Missouri Highlands School-Based Clinics located?
• Our Missouri Highlands School-Based Clinics are located on the school campuses.

How can my child be seen at a Missouri Highlands School-Based Clinic?
• When your child feels sick or hurt at school, the school nurse can refer your child to the on-campus Nurse Practitioner to be seen further. Our staff will contact guardians to obtain consent to treat and insurance or sliding scale information.
• If you would like your child seen by the provider, you can call to schedule an appointment with the school nurse or call the clinic directly. This can help keep you at work while your child gets the care they need and is sent back to class (depending on the case).

How do I be proactive so that my child can receive care at a Missouri Highlands School-Based Clinic?
• If you see your child utilizing this service, you can be proactive by providing the necessary information to the clinic now. If your child is a current patient of MHHC, we will have access to their records.

Who can receive services at a Missouri Highlands School Based Clinic?
• Any student currently enrolled at Doniphan R-I, Neelyville R-IV, Naylor II, Lone Star Ripley Co. R-IV, O’Neal School, Eugene Field School, and Poplar Bluff Middle School.
• All school district faculty working at Doniphan R-I Neelyville R-IV, Naylor II, Lone Star Ripley Co. R-IV, O’Neal School, Eugene Field School, and Poplar Bluff Middle School.

Can I still go to my regular doctor’s office?
• Yes. Missouri Highlands School-Based Clinics can either supplement existing services received from a student’s primary health care provider or serve as a student’s regular health provider. Missouri Highlands School-Based Clinics offer the convenience of a medical provider visit without missing an entire day of school or requiring a parent to miss work.

“This project is/was supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number H2E45559 and H2E50103 with title Health Center Program Service Expansion ‐ School Based Service Sites (SBSS) for grant amount $400,000 and $350,000. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.”