
Why HIV? Why Now?

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Why HIV? Why Now?

In the Early 1980s, HIV ( Human Immunodeficiency Virus) first showed up in the Gay community ( MSM = Men who have sex with Men); it was also found in people who used drugs intravenously as well as people who exchanged sex for money, these three groups were not a priority to politicians and thus the response to HIV and AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) was slow. Funding for research and treatment was not available and in essence, no one understood HIV and AIDS.

Forward 40+ years and there are treatments both to control the disease as well as prevent it from occurring.   HIV is  NOW totally preventable.

In 2019 the Department of Health and Human Services launched the: Ending the HIV Epidemic initiative and pledged that by 2025 new HIV infections would be reduced by 75% with a long-term goal of a 90% reduction of new infections by 2030.

Source: CDC.GOV

What are we doing to help reach this goal?

Missouri Highlands Healthcare was awarded a grant under the Ending HIV initiative and has used this funding to provide an education, clinic as well as remote testing ( go where the people at highest risk are and offer instant testing) we also offer at-home testing through the KNOW-YOUR-STATUS website we are able to provide patients with information regarding PrEP (Pre-exposure prophylaxis medication that reduces your chance of acquiring HIV by up to 97 percent ) and are able to help pay for their medication.   We offer support to community partners at events and host our own education events.

Anyone with questions or who needs testing or information please,  contact Roger at Knowyourstatus@mohigh.org